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Organisation Settings

After completing this article, you should be able to
– Edit Organisation Settings such as Threshold, Currency, and Risk Formula
– Understand what license asset is
– Learn how Application and Environment Risk Contribution works
– Learn how to load demo data into your Phoenix Security account


– You should have access to the platform as an Org Admin user

1. Introduction

The Organisation Settings page lets you manage parameters such as Threshold and Currency that should be applied globally to your whole Phoenix Security organisation. If you wish to make changes that needs to take effect on all of your Applications, Environments, and Components, the Organisation Settings page is where it needs to be set.

2. License Assets

It is also in the Organisation Settings page where you can find a summary of your total assets or licenses and keep track of the ones that are already used and still remaining.

The figures on the Assets table update automatically whenever a new license is used or added to your organisation.

3. Application and Environment Risk Contribution

The Application and Environment Risk Contribution feature lets you configure how much the Application risks and Environment risks affect the Overall Risk Score displayed in your Phoenix Security Dashboard. It consists of two sliders that represent the weight or percentage contribution of Application risks vs Environment risks.

To change the distribution, slide the Environment Risk Contribution slider sideways: left to decrease its weight, or right to increase its weight.

Note that only the top slider (Environment Risk Contribution slider) can be adjusted sideways (left and right) to increase or decrease its contribution. The Application Risk Contribution slider will automatically adjust so that the total remains at 100%.

4. Editing Organisation Settings

There are three global settings you can edit on the Organisation Settings page:

  • Threshold – refers to the Organisational Threshold or the minimum value the global Risk Tolerance level needs to reach in order to raise the risk level to critical. 
  • Currency – refers to the currency used by Phoenix Security to compute the Exposure for each risk level.
  • Risk Formula – sets the complexity of the formula used to compute the risk analysis. It can be set to any of the following: Basic, Advanced, or Very Advanced.

Here are the steps to edit the above Organisational Settings:

  1. On the Navigation Menu, click Organisation Settings.
  1. Look for the field you want to change, e.g. Threshold, Currency, Risk Formula and enter or select the new value accordingly.
Organisational Settings – Global Options

3. Once done, click the “Save” button.

5. Loading Demo Data

Also found on the Organisation Settings page is the Load Demo feature which allows you and other admin users to import demo data into your Phoenix Security instance without doing a lot of manual labour.

Demo data is especially helpful during the early stages as you begin to use your Phoenix Security Dashboard. This data can help you populate your Phoenix Security instance with generic data such as Users, Applications, Components, and Environments to help you test and configure Phoenix Security before you actually get started and use it for good.

Here are the steps to load demo data to your Phoenix Security organisation:

  1. In the Organisation Settings page, click the “Load Demo Data” button.

2. A Confirmation dialog box will appear. Click “Load” to continue.

3. A message will appear confirming that the demo data has been loaded successfully.

Updated on August 15, 2024

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